Create an Illustration Template
Save illustrations with commonly used features and options as templates and then use the templates as a starting basis for new illustrations.
- You can save only new business Product and Sales Concept illustrations as templates. This feature is not available for Inforce, Composite, or Multilife illustrations.
You cannot share illustration templates with other users. The templates you create are accessible only by you.
Your illustration templates are stored on the Edit Templates page in Case Management. Use the Edit Templates page to edit and delete your templates.
Open and Save a Case as a Template
- On the left, click the Case Management navigation button.
- On the Cases page, select a search option in Search For, enter the applicable search item in the text box and press Enter or click .
On the menu bar, click the Down Arrow on the right of the Save menu and then click Save As.
The Save As dialog box opens.
- In Name, enter a name for the new template using descriptive text for the template name. For example, enter UL Template 500K for a Universal Life template with a $500,000 face amount.
Select the User Defined Template check box.
The Folder Location list disappears.
Click Save.
The system saves and stores the new template in the User Defined Templates grid on the Edit Templates page in Case Management.
Create and Save a New Business Illustration as a Template
- On the left, click the Home or New Case navigation button.
- In the Illustration Method list, select the Illustrate by Product, Illustrate by Sales Concept, Illustrate by Template, or Illustrate using Published Templates option.
- In the Create New Illustration grid, click a link in the left column to start the new illustration case.
- Complete each section of the illustration on all of the active case pages, working from top to bottom on each page and using the active case navigation buttons and navigation tabs to go to pages of the illustration. For instructions, see Active Case.
On the menu bar, click the Down Arrow on the right of the Save menu and then click Save As.
The Save As dialog box opens.
- In Name, enter a name for the new template using descriptive text for the template name. For example, enter UL Template 500K for a Universal Life template with a $500,000 face amount.
Select the User Defined Template check box.
The Folder Location list disappears.
Click Save.
The system saves and stores the new template in the User Defined Templates grid on the Edit Templates page in Case Management.